
Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Asmah`s Net book Reflection 2013

Asmah`s Net book Reflection 2013

This year I have found using my Netbook much easier. I have enjoyed using my Netbook because... I have been able to share my work with other students. The process with sharing my work with other students helps me with my learning and they can also read my work before my teacher. They can also highlight the words that I have spelt wrong or highlight sentences don’t make sense.

I also have found using my Netbook helpful because... I can research on something important in our topic and I can memorises the information and put into my own words. Once I put the information into my own words I can make a presentation, and file into any of these folders writing, reading, maths and inquiry. I can show my work using Miss Paton`s laptop.

The barriers in using my Netbook are the flash problems. When all the students including me are on Maths Whizz and other websites our internet goes very slow which is frustrating. There are also connectivity issues. Back in term 2&3 our internet was going very slow and it was not just us it was also Rooms 6&7.

Another barrier is that there are lots of passwords to remember and when we need them most on important websites e.g Poplet/ Wallwisher our passwords don't work.

The interesting thing about using my Netbook is that we can delete our history so when my teacher wants to check our history it is too late because we always delete our history, which does not promote honesty nor responsibility for net book use.

Another interesting thing about using my Netbook is that our internet does not connect to our home internet e.g like No Free Riders. It feels unusual that we can't do our homework because it is not connected to our schools. I look forward to having wireless coming from the area next year.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Asmah:
    I love ur Netbook reflection, it is well detailed, and very well set out.

    Keep up the awesome work!

    A friend...


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